Tech Wizard


Tuesday 4 April 2017

Backlinks and how to get started with it.

A backlinks  is a most important word you will come across if you are a new blogger. Backlinks is a very important word in the world of SEO (search engine optimization).

In this post i will tell you what are backlink and what is its importance in your online blogging career.

LET'S  GET STARTED..................

In simple words backlinks are the links directed to your website.

When a webpage link to another webpage the link acting as as the bridge between the two pages is know as backlink.In past  it backlink played a great role in determining the ranking of a webpage on google this is still true to a great extent.

Here is some common  terms related to backlink

  • Anchor Text ==> Text that is used for hyperlink is know as anchor text.Anchor text backlink are great when we use keywords as a basic of ranking.

  • INTERNAL LINK==> link which takes from one place to another within thesame domain is know as internal link also know as interlinking.
  • Low-quality link==>low quality links are those links which comes from automated, harvested ,porn or spam sites.this type of backlinks are very  harmful  for your google adsense .therefore you should  be careful while buying a backlinks.
  • Linking root domain==> This is the number of backlink coming  to your website through a single domain even though the website  is linked to your website  a number of times but it will still be counted as one linked root domain backlink
  • Do-follow link ==>By defalt all link  added into the blog by the user is a Do-follow link and these pass link juice.
  • No-follow link==>when a website link to another website but it has no- follow tag these type of links are of no use in seo ranking 
Eg: link posted in  the comment section of other websites. 
  • Link Juice==>when a webpage link to any of your article or website it passes link juice. As a blogger you can stop passing link juice by using no-follow tag.

It was a long long time  ago when google gave high ranking to the websites on the basis of low quality backlinks  but after the latest updates rolled out its penguin algorithms  everything  about the backlinks  have changed  since then.

So now you have to get backlinks  from relvent site as if think you have a website of a Cars and you get a backlink from a animal planet website  that backlink will be of no use to you. And neither will it help in increaseing your google ranking.

Now lets find out why its important for you to create  a backlinks  to your site.

  1. :::::Organic traffic. :::::

it help in getting better rank in search engine.

If one of your content is getting organic link from other site it will automatically  be ranked better in the search engine and you will get a better traffic.

2.:::::::Fast indexing:::::::

Backlinks  helps crawler /search engine bots to easily  reach your site and crawl site effectively.

3.::::::::Referral  traffic::::::

One of the major benefit  of backlink is getting a good amount  of referral traffic.
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How to  Start getting  Backlinks.

So now as you are familiar with the term backlink and how is important  to seo and its importance  how it can help increasing your google ranking .Lets talk about how you can now generate backlink for your site.

One main thing what you should  remember is its not the number of the backlinks  which matter its the quality  of the backlink which matters .

So the qustion is how to get quality backlinks to your web?

The three keypoints are

1.Write asesome article
2.Comment on other blogs
3.Suggest other   blogger to visit you site and ask them to replace their dead link to your content link.

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